Hearing Aid Myths

Myth 1:

Hearing instruments are just amplifiers... and I don’t need more loudness
Today, hearing devices use the latest breakthroughs in technology, not to randomly raise the volume, but to sharpen the focus of what you hear. Many hearing aids even uses Bluetooth technology to let you stream sound from a TV, phone, computer, or other Bluetooth devices.

Myth 2:

Hearing instruments are uncomfortable and unattractive
Hearing aids can be an astonishing blend of camouflage and miniaturization that disappear behind or in the ear. Ultra-light, you barely feel the instruments receiver as it delivers sparkling, vibrant sound.

Myth 3:

Hearing instruments are not for me. Not yet, anyway
People who believe they have only slightly impaired hearing often make the mistake of thinking that they don’t have much to gain from a hearing instrument. It’s a shame, because they waste years of their lives coping and adapting, and missing out on the joy of being more fully engaged with family, friends and colleagues.